Saturday, 22 May 2010

The Book of Wealth Is Now Available Online

"The Book Of Wealth" by Hubert Bancroft was recommended to me when I was training to become a Life Coach. However, due to the limited number of copies printed and also the price, this was something that was beyond my personal means at the time.

Now, however, the entire 10 Volumes of "The Book Of Wealth" has been scanned and is now available to download as an eBook...well actually, 10 eBooks!!

I won't cover the detail in depth on this post as you can read more about the book and the author, Hubert Howe Bancroft at Book Of Wealth.

I should probably add that this is not easy reading as it is an historical analysis of wealth creation. However, if you check out the above site you will see a video by Dr John Demartini as he, and other motivational speakers often make reference to it.